How To Restore Your Gut For Great Health

How To Restore Your Gut For Great Health

The gut is the powerhouse of the body.

Everyone has faced some form of gut discomfort at some point in their lives. For many, it can lead to a chronic condition if left alone.   
Having stomach issues is no fun. It can obstruct the formation of precious memories, replacing them with uncomfortably unpleasant ones.

Learning how your gut works and how to restore its microbiome is the best way to heal it for optimal health. 

 Follow this link to get The Full Gut Restoration Guide 



Many times we have felt a stomach ache in our lives, which is normal and not something that generally causes concern. 

Consistent stomach aches or discomfort do indicate changes in the microbiome and should be looked into. This quiz will give you a better idea of where you are in gut health. By understanding where you stand, you may be able to identify potential trouble spots that can be corrected. 

After you take the quiz, it will help you get a better picture of the health of your gut.

For each question, write down the number that corresponds to your symptoms over the past 30 days. Tally up the total numbers.





Digestive issues can be quite challenging and sometimes embarrassing.

 Many of my clients have discussed moments when they have had to run out of meetings at work, with friends, or with family members when stomach troubles arise. I myself had to leave several family functions (in my early days of chronic illness) after eating something that severely affected my gut, only to have them wonder why I left so early or why I would have to cancel certain events. 

By understanding how the gut works, you can learn how to help yourself heal quicker and discuss options if needed with your doctor without being in the dark about your health.


Amylase (an enzyme) is produced in the mouth to break down starchy foods that head down to the stomach. In the stomach, two enzymes, pepsin (which begins protein digestion) and gastric lipase (which begins fat digestion), are churned. Hydrochloric acid (HCI) helps to keep a low pH to signal the body to actively digest correctly and destroy harmful pathogens.

*Low HCI is becoming more common and has been contributing to the skyrocketing gut issues we have been seeing. 

Food then travels to the intestines, where it is broken down by digestive enzymes and fluids from the liver (bile released from the gallbladder aids in fat digestion) and pancreas (pancreatin breaks down fats, proteins, and carbs) for maximum absorption. 

The next place food travels is the ileum and then the jejunum (other areas of the small intestine).

Once food is fairly broken down, it travels to the colon (an anaerobic environment with little to no oxygen present). This lack of oxygen is great for your bacteria (microorganisms) to thrive. Their job is to further ferment (break down) food to absorb more nutrients.

Water is reabsorbed to be used by the body. 

What is not absorbed during this process is then moved to the end of the colon and exits the rectum.




What about those who suffer from digestive issues? How does the gut system differ?

In those with chronic digestive issues, a particular mechanism in the gut system has been damaged. 


Common symptoms of digestive issues:

  • Stomach pain
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Headaches
  • burping/flatulence
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • rashes/hives/skin problems


Occasionally experiencing these issues might not be a cause for alarm. Frequently occurring symptoms may indicate an underlying problem that should be addressed. 

Many gut problems, such as IBS or celiac disease, can be addressed, reduced, or, in most cases, cleared. 

Most, if not all, gut problems have now been theorized to begin with "leaky gut,"  named for increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability. 



Leaky gut

The lining of our stomach acts as a barrier and decides what can pass into the bloodstream. In those with "leaky gut," gaps between cells, held together by tight junction proteins, become wide enough where materials that normally wouldn't be allowed to pass end up heading to the bloodstream. As you can imagine, this leads to an array of health problems.

Tight junction proteins (Occludin, Claudins, JAMs, Tricellulin, and Zonula Occludens) can become damaged, leading to "leaky gut."

*To determine the likelihood of "leaky gut," most functional lab tests that focus on the gut will measure the Zonulin protein in the gut.


Some sources that cause damage to the gut lining:

  • Alcohol
  • Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies
  • Chronic stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Chronic diseases (EBV, Lyme, cancer, etc.)
  • Medications and supplements
  • Pesticides
  • GMOs and processed foods
  • Extreme physical activity (releases high levels of lactic acid)
  • Grains, dairy
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Exposure to chemicals or pollution
  • Common products like shampoo, makeup, air fresheners, etc.
  • Mold exposure
  • EMF radiation
  • Common medical tests like X-rays, CT scans, mammograms, etc.
  • Heavy metals (Starbucks, water, alcohol, etc.)
  • Viruses, pathogens, bacteria, and parasites



Now that you understand how the gut functions and what may be affecting its performance, let's talk about how to heal it.

The best way to have the best chance at healing any chronic illness is to completely heal your gut lining. By making sure your tight junction proteins are running at optimal level, your body will become more able to heal and kick out pathogens that you may not otherwise have been able to in a weakened state.

If you are ready to dive into learning just how to heal your digestive issues and heal your chronic illness, then let's get started!


In the Full Gut Restoration Guide, you will learn about the gut, the bacteria and viruses that make up the microbiome, how they interact and affect other parts of the body, and how to keep this fascinating tiny world in balance. You will hear science-backed strategies that are proven methods for gut restoration. 


The Full Gut Restoration Guide supports tight junctions in order to heal the gut and repair intestinal hyperpermeability. This in-depth guide provides the framework necessary to work with your doctor or is easy enough to follow for you to begin the process of healing your gut for better health.



  • The benefits of keeping a healthy microbiome
  • How to remove, repace, and repopulate the gut
  • Foods that contribute to "leaky gut" and those that help to repair it
  • How to replace harmful foods and what nutrient-rich items to choose instead
  • Science-based methods to build the microbiome to boost the immune system
  • Restore gut health and heal or alleviate symptoms of chronic illness


You will learn how to relieve stomach pains that do not seem to go away, and this guide will quickly become a must-read for those sick days that become more frequent and the bathroom time that becomes an hourly chore.

You will learn an in-depth look at the gut and what a "leaky gut" actually is. I will also discuss the brain-gut axis and what it means for your body.

Then you will dive into the mechanisms needed to restore the gut and how to use nutritional changes and lifestyle choices to balance the microbiome efficiently.



  • In-depth scientific knowledge emphasizing how to restore gut health for optimal health, regardless of stage of health.
  • Elimination diet information and instructional sheets
  • Gut discomfort evaluations
  • Gluten information and guides
  • Prebiotics and probiotics guides and sheets
  • FODMAP guide
  • Gut and health questionnaires
  • Other in-depth information and sheets for your success!


Who this guide is for:

  • A healthy individual looking to optimize physical and mental resilience by strengthening the gut
  • A chronically ill person who requires assistance in alleviating and possibly eliminating symptoms.
  • Anyone looking to learn more about gut health for themselves or their loved ones.

 Get the guide HERE


 What people are saying about The Full Gut Restoration Guide during our testing phase

 "I had reflux and heartburn all the time. After floowing the gut guide my issues were completely gone!" -Brian T.

 " I had bloating and constant reflux no matter what I ate as well as acne and uneplained rashes. After I completed the Full Gut guide I had a clearer mind and no reflux, no itching or acne, and less congestion overall." -Dana R. 



Chronic gut problems are difficult to get through without intervention. Having the right tools will set you up for success, and your journey to great health will be much closer as you learn to heal your gut.

Don't forget, your gut health is connected to the health of your entire body, so doing the work to heal it is imperative for healing any illness. 

This guide is not meant to replace medical advice, but rather to be highly complementary to it or easily followed along to implement it yourself. 


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