DIY Your Own Echinacea Tincture from Scratch

DIY Your Own Echinacea Tincture from Scratch

Creating Your Own Echinacea Tincture: A DIY Recipe

Tinctures provide a convenient way to incorporate herbal remedies into your health routine. They are ready to use—simply add a few drops to your mouth or a glass of water. However, store-bought tinctures can be expensive but with a little planning, you can craft your own echinacea tincture for very little money.




Echinacea Angustifolia tincture is renowned for promoting a healthy immune response. Echinacea has been studied for its potential to boost the immune system and reduce the severity and duration of colds and other upper respiratory infections. Some studies have suggested that echinacea extracts may have a positive impact on reducing the risk of getting sick and shortening the duration of illness.

In addition to its immune-boosting properties, echinacea is showing promise in combating various infectious diseases, such as herpes, malaria, syphilis, and urinary tract infections. 

Echinacea's anti-inflammatory capabilities make it valuable for addressing numerous health conditions.




Determining the correct echinacea tincture dosage can be somewhat subjective, with recommendations varying widely. Most herbalists suggest taking a dropper full, equivalent to 20 to 25 drops of tincture, two to three times daily. Alternatively, herbalists also recommend a weight-based dosage, advising 1 drop for every 2 pounds of body weight.

During illness or when experiencing acute symptoms, you can administer the full dosage every 1 to 2 hours. Afterward, taper off to occasional doses for a week or two to strengthen the immune system.





Creating your own echinacea tincture allows for customization. Many opt for an echinacea and elderberry blend due to their complementary effects and the ability of elderberries to mask the strong flavor of echinacea. Other common echinacea tincture blends include goldenseal, yarrow, linden, chamomile, elderflower, elderberry, rose hips, Oregon grape, ginger, and cayenne.




Allergic reactions are rare. However, exercise caution if you have autoimmune issues since echinacea can stimulate the immune system. It may not be suitable for individuals with overactive immune systems.




Creating an echinacea tincture is straightforward. Begin with a clean mason jar, filling it halfway with dried echinacea or 2/3 full if using fresh plant material. Cover the herb with a neutral spirit, typically around 40% alcohol (such as vodka). Avoid excessively high alcohol content, as it may not be ideal for herbal leaves, flowers, and roots.

[What can I use instead of alcohol in tincture?

  • Glycerin: Vegetable glycerin is a common alcohol substitute for making glycerites. Glycerin-based tinctures are alcohol-free and have a sweeter taste, making them suitable for children or those avoiding alcohol.

  • Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar can be used as a base for herbal tinctures. Keep in mind that the taste will be different from alcohol-based tinctures, and vinegar may not preserve herbs as effectively as alcohol.

  • Water: In some cases, water-based infusions or teas can be used for herbal remedies. However, water does not preserve herbs as well as alcohol, so these preparations should be used relatively quickly.

When employing vinegar, glycerine, water (as long as it's used for dilution purposes), or any solvent other than alcohol, you are creating an extract, not a tincture. While any type of spirit can be utilized, many herbalists favor a neutral option like vodka to ensure the herb's flavor remains pronounced.]

After filling the jar, completely submerge all the herbal material and seal it with a lid. Store the jar in a cool, dark place for at least a month, shaking it periodically. After infusing for 1 to 3 months, filter the tincture using a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth. The result is a dark amber liquid with a strong earthy scent.

Due to its harshness, it's advisable to mix echinacea tincture with water or juice. Store it away from direct sunlight in amber-colored glass bottles, which are reusable and convenient for dosing. These bottles are affordable and portable, making them a great choice for travel, especially when you need a reliable immune booster on the go.

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