Quick, Natural Wellness Solutions For Children & Babies To Ease The Burden Of Parental Stress

Quick, Natural Wellness Solutions For Children & Babies To Ease The Burden Of Parental Stress

Being a mom can be very overwhelming, especially when it is your first child and you have no idea what advice to take when they aren’t feeling well.

*This post will be short and to the point so you can get the information you need quickly. 



As mothers, we have to learn how to think on our feet. 

So many moms, especially new moms, struggle with finding the best solutions for childhood mishaps. Sometimes children have falls, fevers, colds, or come up with mysterious symptoms, and trying to search for the perfect product to help them can seem daunting.


I was a new mother at 21 years old. I had never been around children, so my daughter was the first baby I held. She was the sweetest little thing, completely bundled up in her hospital blanket when I brought her home. 

A week after her birth, she developed an infection around her belly button. I immediately took her to be seen by a doctor. They cauterized the tiny opening caused by the umbilical cord that had fallen off and gave me topical antibiotics to give to her. I was scared, not knowing what an infection meant for her tiny little body.

My entire childhood was mostly medicine-free. My first time taking antibiotics wasn't until I was 18 years old. My parents were raised without using much medicine as well, so only in rare cases did we seek out medical treatment, so the thought of taking my new baby girl to a doctor for every ailment was a bit foreign to me.

After years of following and questioning western medicine's advice, I dove into eastern and holistic medicine and fell in love. I have never looked back.




Using natural remedies in young children when they're sick is essential for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, young children often have delicate immune systems that are still developing. Natural remedies, such as herbal teas, steam inhalation, and homeopathic treatments, can provide gentle relief without overburdening their bodies with harsh chemicals or medications that may have side effects. These remedies work in harmony with a child's natural healing processes, supporting their immune system's efforts to fight off illness.

Additionally, natural remedies are generally less likely to cause allergic reactions or adverse effects, making them a safer choice for young children. Many parents find comfort in knowing that they can provide their child with relief without the worry of potential negative consequences. Furthermore, natural remedies often address the underlying causes of symptoms, promoting overall wellness rather than just masking discomfort. This holistic approach helps nurture a child's well-being, encouraging long-term health and resilience. Ultimately, using natural remedies empowers parents to take an active role in their child's health while fostering trust in the body's innate ability to heal.




Whether you find yourself using western or eastern medicine, or both, anyone can benefit from having an array of different modalities available to help their family get well.

Below is a list of what can be used for children of different ages, depending on the illness. Feel free to try these and take some stress off your plate. 


  • Constipation: Rub 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil with 1 drop lemon oil around the baby's stomach.
  • Diaper rash: apply 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil mixed with 1 drop lavender oil to the affected area.
  • Colic: 1 drop Digize from Young Living mixed with 1 tablespoon coconut oil massaged into the back and feet.


  • Earache: 1 drop melrose from Young Living mixed with 1 drop lavender and oregano oil in a tablespoon of olive oil. A cotton ball should be rubbed around the outer earlobe, behind the neck, and all the way to the throat. Then place the cotton ball over the earhole a few times a day.
  • Cuts and scrapes: Take 1 drop each of lavender and melrose oil from Young Living and apply with a cotton ball to the area.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting: Tummigize from Young Living can be used.

** Always speak to a medical professional before trying these products. 


As a parent, the most stressful time can be when your child isn’t feeling well. By making sure they are doing well, you are giving yourself an opportunity to heal by not having another added stressor to worry about.

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