How To Plan Your Day To Avoid Catastrophe

How To Plan Your Day To Avoid Catastrophe

We all have those days. When we feel a little bit better, we put off some things that need to get done to enjoy the break we desperately need.

Don’t feel guilty for taking those days to pamper yourself. You deserve it!





When I was just starting to somewhat feel better (around month 11 of my illness), I still had more bad days than good days. I was able to run errands again and felt comfortable driving myself around.

On one particular day, I drove my daughter to class, and while I was waiting for her, I started to feel better. I was outside, sitting on a bench, watching her drive arrows into the haystacks for her archery class. I took advantage of the opportunity and began walking around the park, admiring the greenery, smelling the beautiful flowers, and simply enjoying the air I was breathing.

I took the rest of the day off from doing any work and went shopping for myself, walked around a park with my daughter and our dogs, and bought some delicious food.

Once night fell, I knew this day wouldn’t last, so I decided to do something I wouldn’t be able to do on a bad day. I deep-cleaned everything! I knew I needed to clean for my own health and the health of my family, but on bad days, that was an impossible task to accomplish.

Sometimes, when you are in the midst of a chronic illness, you don’t realize how important cleaning is to your health. So I did the most taxing thing for my body that I knew I could not do on hard days, and I felt amazing for accomplishing it.

After this revelation of taking some of the more exhausting tasks off my plate on good days, I began to implement a plan of good-day activities and bad-day activities. I found it very useful for completing some of the harder tasks that took me a very long time to get to when I wasn't feeling my best.


When you're feeling well, it's important to take advantage of that energy and motivation to be productive and accomplish tasks that you may not be able to tackle on days where you're not feeling your best. Here are some tips on how to make the most of those good days:
    • Make a to-do list: Create a list of tasks you want to accomplish on your good day. Having a clear plan of what you want to achieve will help you stay focused and organized.
    • Prioritize your tasks: Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will help you tackle the most important tasks first and ensure you make the most of your energy and focus.
    • Break tasks down into smaller steps: If you have larger tasks to accomplish, break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and make progress towards your goals.
    • Take breaks: While it's important to be productive on your good days, it's also important to take breaks and rest when needed. Listen to your body and take breaks when you feel your energy levels starting to dip.
    • Practice self-care: On your good days, take some time to practice self-care. This can include things like exercise, meditation, or simply taking a relaxing bath. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to tackle the tasks on your to-do list.




    A great way to start crossing off those to-do lists is to try to have a plan in place for good days and bad days. It's a good idea to write down what you'll do on these days and try to stick to it as much as possible.

    Things to do on these days can include:


      • Go out in the sunshine
      • Walk a bit longer
      • See some friends
      • Take a spa day
      • Leave work early
      • Do something you haven't been able to do in months that brings you joy
      • Spend uninterrupted time with your kids and/or partner
      • Leave your kids with a trusted person, and do nothing else but treat yourself
      • DO ONE DIFFICULT THING THAT YOU CANNOT DO ON YOUR BAD DAYS, so your tasks don't overflow when a string of bad days hits


    Sunshine provides numerous benefits to human health, including the synthesis of vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system. Sunlight exposure can also boost mood by increasing serotonin levels, and it helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. Additionally, sunlight can enhance cognitive function and may lower the risk of certain cancers.


    Walking is a low-impact exercise that offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and flexibility, better mood and mental clarity, weight management, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. It's an easy and accessible way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and improve overall health and wellbeing.


    Spa treatments offer numerous benefits, including relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, and relief from muscle pain and tension. Spa therapies such as massage, facials, and body wraps can also promote detoxification, rejuvenation, and improved skin health. Additionally, spas provide a peaceful environment for individuals to unwind and take a break from the demands of daily life.

    Spending time with family

    Spending time with family has numerous benefits, including strengthening emotional bonds, improving communication, building trust, promoting positive behaviors and values, reducing stress, increasing happiness and sense of belonging, and providing a support system during challenging times. It also creates lasting memories and helps to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

    Treat yourself

    Treating yourself can have numerous benefits, including reducing stress, boosting mood and self-esteem, increasing motivation, and promoting overall well-being. By giving yourself permission to indulge in something you enjoy, you can recharge your batteries, increase your happiness, and improve your quality of life.


      • Take a longer, warm, and soothing bath
      • Only do the minimal tasks required at work that day
      • Sleep earlier
      • Call someone for support
      • Sit in nature
      • Don't do more than your body asks for
      • Take a day off of work if need be
      • Cuddle your pets
      • Snuggle with someone you love
      • Stay off social media unless you’re watching funny or uplifting videos
      • Don't engage in arguments
      • Ignore criticism 
      • Eat very nutritious food
      • Be very kind to yourself

    Warm baths

    Warm baths can help to soothe muscle tension, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and promote relaxation. The warm water can increase blood flow and circulation, which can help to relieve pain and inflammation. Additionally, warm baths can help to moisturize and soften the skin.


    Getting adequate sleep early can improve overall health and well-being. It helps regulate hormones, boost the immune system, improve mood and cognitive function, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, it allows for better physical recovery and can enhance athletic performance.

    Call for support

    Calling someone for support can provide a number of benefits, including emotional support, practical advice, and problem-solving assistance. It can also help alleviate feelings of isolation, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of connection and belonging. Seeking support can also lead to new perspectives and insights, and may improve overall mental health and well-being.

    Sit in nature

    Sitting in nature can provide numerous benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood and cognitive function, increased creativity and productivity, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and enhanced immune system function. Additionally, it can offer opportunities for physical activity, social connection, and exposure to natural light and fresh air.

    Cuddle your pets

    Cuddling pets can have numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, increasing feelings of happiness and wellbeing, strengthening the bond between pet and owner, and providing a sense of comfort and security. Additionally, it can release oxytocin, the "love hormone," which promotes social bonding and can have a calming effect on both the pet and the person.

    Snuggle someone you love

    Snuggling someone you love can provide many benefits, including:

      • Increased feelings of intimacy and closeness
      • Reduced stress and anxiety
      • Release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin
      • Improved mood and sense of well-being
      • Better sleep and relaxation
      • Enhanced communication and connection
      • Greater feelings of safety and security.

      Ignore criticism

      Ignoring criticism can be beneficial in certain situations as it allows you to focus on your goals and stay motivated. It also helps you maintain your self-confidence and prevents you from being bogged down by negative opinions. Moreover, criticism can sometimes be unconstructive or motivated by envy or malice, so ignoring it can prevent you from being distracted by unwarranted negativity. However, it is important to discern constructive criticism from the rest, as it can be a valuable tool for personal growth and improvement.

      Be kind to yourself

      Being kind to yourself has numerous benefits, including:

        • Improved self-esteem and self-worth
        • Reduced stress and anxiety
        • Increased motivation and productivity
        • Better physical and mental health
        • More fulfilling relationships
        • Greater resilience and ability to cope with challenges
        • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills
        • Increased compassion and empathy towards others
        • More balanced and positive outlook on life
        • Overall greater sense of happiness and well-being.



        Being a parent is a full-time job, and when you add in the challenges of being a chronically ill mom, it can make it even more difficult to spend quality time with your children. However, it is still possible to create meaningful memories with your kids despite your illness. 

          • Prioritize self-care As a chronically ill mom, it's essential to take care of yourself first. When you're feeling well, you'll be better equipped to enjoy quality time with your children. Make sure you're taking time to rest, eat healthy meals, and engage in activities that bring you joy. Your children will benefit from seeing you prioritize your health and well-being.
          • Embrace quality over quantity When you're dealing with chronic illness, it's essential to acknowledge that you may not have the energy to do all the things you want to do with your kids. Instead, focus on making the time you do have with them meaningful. It's better to have 30 minutes of focused, quality time with your child than several hours of distracted, low-quality time.
          • Plan activities that work for you Choose activities that fit within your abilities and energy levels. It's okay if you can't take your kids on a hike or bike ride every day. Instead, find activities that you can do together at home or within your community. For example, you could read books together, play board games, do a craft, or have a movie night.
          • Involve your children in your self-care routine Children can learn a lot from seeing their parents take care of themselves. Involve your children in your self-care routine by doing yoga or meditation together or by teaching them how to prepare healthy meals. By sharing these experiences with your children, you're not only modeling healthy habits, but you're also spending quality time with them.
          • Look for support Don't be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to family members, friends, or even support groups for parents with chronic illnesses. They can provide you with the support and encouragement you need to take care of yourself and spend time with your children.
          • Be honest with your children It's okay to be honest with your children about your illness. By talking to them about it, you can help them understand what you're going through and how it impacts your ability to do certain activities. Encourage them to ask questions, and be open and transparent with them.

            Being a chronically ill mom doesn't mean you can't spend quality time with your children. By prioritizing self-care, embracing quality over quantity, planning activities that work for you, involving your children in your self-care routine, looking for support, and being honest with your children, you can create meaningful memories with your kids despite your illness. Remember, it's not about doing everything, but about doing what you can and making the most of the time you have with your children.


            WRAPPING IT ALL UP

            Having a plan in place that reminds you what to do on these days can relieve you of any stress that has been spent worrying about how to get things done and how to find the energy to spend quality time with your kids. 

            Once you know what to do on these types of days, you will feel much calmer and ready to take on the day, no matter which one it is.

            Remember that good days don't come around every day, so make the most of them while you can. By being productive, prioritizing tasks, and taking care of yourself, you can make the most of your energy and achieve your goals.

            it is.

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